Whistleblowing Channel - UPV

This whistleblowing channel was established in accordance with current applicable legislation and good corporate practices, reinforcing the position of the UPV with the principles laid down in the UPV Code of Conduct, namely the principles of transparency and ethics. This channel is intended to facilitate the identification of potentially irregular situations or infringements, including real or potential reasonable suspicions, which have occurred or which are considered to be very likely to occur.

Principles and whistleblower protection

Independence, impartiality, confidentiality, data protection, secrecy and absence of conflicts of interest in the treatment and analysis of complaints received are guaranteed. In any situation, the whistleblower is protected against any form of retaliation, being granted the possibility of submitting an anonymous complaint, under the legal terms.

Who considers themselves a whistleblower

The natural person who reports or publicly discloses an irregularity or infraction.

Who can file a complaint
  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Service providers, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, as well as any persons acting under their supervision and direction
  • Volunteers and interns, paid or unpaid
  • Others

Complaint management responsibility

Complaints will be received by the competent area of the UPV which, after registration and classification, will proceed with the treatment process, including referral to the areas responsible for analyzing and monitoring the process.
The handling, investigation and taking of measures in relation to the complaints received are, in accordance with the legislation, the responsibility of the UPV.

Anonymous Reports

The UPV undertakes to respect anonymity in all cases in which the complainant wishes to file an anonymous complaint, regardless of the detail of the information contained in the complaint and whether it is possible to identify the complainant through the facts described. It is clarified that the UPV will deal with all complaints, anonymous or not, whenever they contain sufficient and relevant material and information to allow investigation. Notwithstanding this treatment, only whistleblowers who wish to fill in an email address for this purpose will be notified. Alternatively, and if you choose not to leave a contact, you can consult the status of the process using the ID assigned by the UPV to your complaint.


Complaints may be filed in the following areas:

  • Money laundering
  • Product safety and compliance
  • Transport Security
  • Environmental Protection
  • Food and animal safety, animal health and animal welfare
  • Public health
  • Consumer defense
  • Protection of privacy and personal data
  • Network and information systems security
  • European Union financial interests
  • European Internal Market Rules, including Competition and State Aid Rules
  • Corruption crimes and related offenses
  • Damage relating to Programs or other computer data, computer sabotage and illegitimate access to the computer system.

The UPV will handle the reception, investigation and processing of your complaint with responsibility, independence and integrity.

Read and Accept

To check the status of a previously submitted complaint, click here.